Drink two cups of cranberry juice and call me in the morning!
Because new research shows that cranberry juice can lower the risk of heart disease… in as little as 24 HOURS!Now, you probably know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in North America. But according to the National Institutes of Health, cranberries are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. And those polyphenols not only help improve circulation, but also improve kidney function, hormone delivery, and waste filtration.And in a recent study, men were given two cups of cranberry juice to drink over the course of a day – with varying concentrations of cranberry polyphenols. And after only 24 hours, all the men showed improvements in blood flow, arterial stiffness, and blood pressure. And that was true for all the cranberry juice concentrates, even the cocktail ones sold at the grocery stores made with only 25% cranberry juice! They all had a positive effect. So throw back some cranberry juice and improve your heart health within 24 hours.Follow me on Facebook