Do you get stressed and frustrated while waiting on hold on the phone?
Intelligence for Your ...ConnieSelleccaConnie Sellecca, conniesellecca, frustration, grind your teeth, intelligence for your life, intelligenceforyourlife, jaw, on hold, phone, stress, talking on the phone, teeth grinding, tension, TMJ
Ice cream calms anxiety!
Intelligence for Your ...ConnieSelleccaanxiety, calcium, calm, calming, Connie Sellecca, conniesellecca, depression, ice cream, intelligence for your life, intelligenceforyourlife, mmm, one serving, relax, tension, yum, yummy
Here’s some intel for your next 5K, 10K, half marathon or full marathon:
Intelligence for Your ...ConnieSellecca10K, 5K, Connie Sellecca, conniesellecca, intelligence for your life, intelligenceforyourlife, marathon, race, relax, run, running, squint, squinting, sunglasses, tension, win the race
Here’s a trick to help get rid of tension in 60-seconds:
Intelligence for Your ...ConnieSelleccaConnie Sellecca, conniesellecca, cortisol, face, intelligence for your life, intelligenceforyourlife, scalp, stress hormone, tabla, tension, trick